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White papers: final project outcomes

AD 8b
Hub: All
Year: 2024-2026
Amy Wotherspoon, RA

In the final 1.5 years of the project, a second PDF or Research Associate, following AD8a, pursue this work with the objective to ensure that the final research results of the research project are captured through a variety of communication means. The PDF/RA will identity key research outcomes across all Hubs and propose, then lead and publish synthesis review and outcomes papers on select topics. These research outcomes pieces will be published in both highly cited peer reviewed publications as well as in more accessible forestry and industry focused journals as relevant. The PDF/RA will lead a CIF e-lecture series in the final year of the project as well as prepare final reports, Hub summaries and research documents on research outcomes. The PDF/RA will also develop an archival website to store data acquired through the project with the appropriate meta-data summaries for ease of access and use. Outcome (AD.8b): Synthesis review and outcomes papers based on key learning obtained across all Hub sites.

Amy Wotherspoon, RA at the University of British Columbia
Main Partner: Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Professor Alexis Achim

Wotherspoon, A.R., Thiffault, N. (2024). Introducing: the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change experiments at the Petawawa Research Forest. Silva21 Snapshots, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Larstone-Hunt., C., Wotherspoon A.R. (2024). Lessons learned from the large-scale ThiRST forestry experiment. Silva21 Snapshots, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Smith-Tripp., S., Stackhouse, L., Wotherspoon A.R. (2023). Becoming a foreign drone pilot. Silva21 Snapshots, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Chagnon, C., Wotherspoon, A.R. (2023). Broad-scale wood degradation dynamics in the face of climate change. Silva21 Snapshots, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Chagnon, C., Wotherspoon, A.R. (2021). Climate-growth response to boreal black spruce shifts from positive to negative at 50°N. Silva21 Snapshots, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

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