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Learning from the past: key stand attributes linked with resilience

AD 2
Hub: All
Year: 2021-2024
Tommaso Trotto, PhD

We will pursue retrospective studies at boreal Hub sites with the objective to examine, across the landscape, which species mixes, densities, and structures have proven to be the most resilient over time across Canada. This analysis will be driven by current structural and compositional conditions derived from lidar and provincial inventory data. Patterns of species and structural change will be derived through structurally guided sampling approaches. A PhD student will then contrast reestablishment and growth against structural conditions and assess the role of past severe disturbances such as fire, windthrow or insect outbreaks on the current structure, composition and growth boreal forest stands. Outcome (AD.2): A list of key stand attributes that have proven resilient to the types of changes anticipated under future climate and disturbances in boreal ecosystems.

Tommaso Trotto, PhD at University of British Columbia
Main Partners: Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (Québec)
Professor: Nicholas Coops

Trotto, T., Coops, N.C., Achim, A., Gergel, S.E., Roeser, D. (2024). Characterizing forest structural changes in response to non-stand replacing disturbances using bitemporal airborne laser scanning data. Science of Remote Sensing, 10; 100160.

Trotto, T., Coops, N.C., Achim, A. (2023). Characterizing non-stand replacing (NSR) disturbances using bitemporal airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. SilviLaser Poster. 6 - 8 September, UCL, London, UK.

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