Identifying and assessing the impact of non-stand-replacing disturbances within a near- real-time context
OB 5c
Hub: Quesnel
Year: 2023-2024
Madison Brown, M.Sc.
Once a robust continuous forest inventory framework has been developed (OB 5a), we will implement the proposed methodologies through two MSc projects at the Quesnel hub site. This third MSc student will have the objective to apply the framework and develop tools to assess forest stand stresses, such as infestation, wind damage or disease. The MSc student will use a series of indicators of forest health derived at the 20 x 20 m resolution and assess which predicted metrics are sufficiently reliable to be considered into silvicultural prescriptions for a range of stand ages and composition. Outcome (OB.5c): Recommendations of a series of metrics that can be derived at a 30 x 30 m resolution to guide silvicultural interventions dependent on stand condition.
Madison Brown, MSc at University of British Columbia
Main Partner: Department of Energy and Resource Development (New Brunswick)
Professor Nicholas Coops
Brown, M.B., Coops, N.C., Mulverhill, C., Achim, A. (2025) Detection of non-stand replacing disturbances (NSR) using Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 time series. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 220:264-279.