Early alert system for forest management
OB 3b
Hub: Estrie, QC; Montmorency forest, QC; Lac-St-Jean, QC; Romeo Malette, ON
Year: 2021-2025
Alexandre Morin-Bernard, PhD
Alexandre Morin-Bernard (PhD) will utilise satellite image time series over multiple Hub sites and develop long-term baselines with the objective to determine how variations from the baseline can inform on forest condition as altered by i) stress events such as drought and ii) isolated mortality. These synoptic scale “check-ins” will be combined with information on terrain, water availability, and age, to produce periodic report cards on forest condition and sustainable forest management indicators. While the monitoring of condition at the individual tree scale is not possible using satellite imagery, we will develop approaches to examine stand-level changes in condition through spectral indices focused on growth and mortality. Both medium and fine scale satellite imagery as well as tree ring data will provide validation and confidence in the methods, as well as information on how stand attributes influence to resistance and resilience to disturbances. Outcome (OB.3b): A platform to provide near real-time condition assessments as an early alert system to inform forest managers of changes to the forest stands, support adaptive management decisions and meet certification requirements.
Alexandre Morin-Bernard, PhD at Université Laval
Main Partner: Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (Québec)
Professor Alexis Achim
Collaborator Nicholas Coops
Morin-Bernard, Coops, N.C., White, J.C., Achim, A. 2023. Predicting net growth rates in boreal forests using Landsat time series and permanent sample plot data. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 2023;, cpad055, https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpad055.
Morin-Bernard, A., Achim, A., Coops, N.C. 2023. Attributing a Causal Agent and Assessing the Severity of Non-Stand Replacing Disturbances in a Northern Hardwood Forest using Landsat-Derived Vegetation Indices. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 49(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/07038992.2023.2196356
Morin-Bernard, A., Achim, A., Coops, N. 2022. Monitoring growth and mortality in a Canadian boreal forest using Landsat time series - 41st EARSeL Symposium, 13 – 16 September, 2022. Paphos, Cyprus. https://cyprus2022.earsel.org/assets/BookOfAbstracts.pdf