Optimization of the characterization of burning patterns
OB 1b
Hub: Lac-St-Jean, QC
Year: 2021-2022
Gabrielle Thibault, MSc
Despite being less frequent in the East, fires remain the main cause of natural disturbances in the boreal forests of Quebec (QC) and Ontario (ON) and regeneration success is highly variable in forests dominated by black spruce. An MSc student will collaborate with the PhD student (OB.1a) and adapt the workflow to the LSJ and RM boreal Hubs. Using metrics of natural stand establishment that characterize failures or successes, the objective will be to improve our understanding the ecological factors that lead to black spruce regeneration after fire disturbance. Outcome (OB.1b): Identification of key stand- and landscape-level characteristics that favour regeneration success and improve forest resilience.
Gabrielle Thibault, MSc at Université Laval
Main Partner: Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (Québec)
Professor Alexis Achim