Mapping mortality rates in boreal mixedwood forest using airborne laser scanning and permanent plot data
Riofrio, J., Coops, N.C., Ashiq, M.W., Achim, A. (2025) Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpaf002,

Climate-sensitive models of tree mortality based on lifetime analysis and irregular permanent-plot remeasurements
Fortin, M., Riofrio, J., Melo, L., Ashiq, M.W., Sharma, M., Howard, C., Eskelson, B.N.I. (2024) Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Detection of non-stand replacing disturbances (NSR) using Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 time series
Brown, M.B., Coops, N.C., Mulverhill, C., Achim, A. (2025) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 220:264-279.

Characterizing forest structural changes in response to non-stand replacing disturbances using bitemporal airborne laser scanning data
Trotto, T., Coops, N.C., Achim, A., Gergel, S.E., Roeser, D. (2024) Science of Remote Sensing, 10; 100160.

A comprehensive framework to evaluate the financial impacts of genetic improvement on wood products from planted forests.
Chagnon, C., Moreau, G., Soro, A., Bombardier-Cauffopé, C., Baby-Bouchard, E., Chamberland, V., Barrette, J., Gélinas, N., Duchesne, I., Lenz, P. and Bousquet, J. (2025) Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 55:1-15

Influence of irregular shelterwood treatments on intensity and severity after a large wildfire in lodgepole pine stands: A case study from the interior British Columbia
Liu M, Greene G, Axelson J, Coops N, Barbeito I, Roeser D (2024) PLoS ONE 19(11): e0311940.

Wildfires are spreading fast in Canada — we must strengthen forests for the future
Mulverhill, C.; Coops, Nicholas, C.; Boulanger, Y.; Hoffman, K. M.; Cardinal Christianson, A.; Daniels, L.D.; Flamand-Hubert, M.; Wotherspoon, A.R.; Achim, A. (2024). Nature.

Early spectral dynamics are indicative of distinct growth patterns in post-wildfire forests
Smith-Tripp, S., Coops, N.C., Mulverhill, C., White, J.C., Gergel, S. 2024. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Evaluating the potential for continuous update of enhanced forest inventory attributes using optical satellite data
Mulverhill, C., Coops, N.C., White, J.C., Tompalski, P., Achim, A. (2024). Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpae029,

Physical and mechanical properties affecting the suitability of black ash wood for W8banaki basketry.
Boudreault,L., Chagnon, C., Gauthier-Nolett, L., Durand-Nolett, M., Gill, D., Flamand-Hubert, M., Achim, A. (2024) Canadian Journal of Forest Research. JUST-IN.

Prioritizing commercial thinning: quantification of growth and competition with high-density drone laser scanning
Irwin, L.A.K., Coops, N.C., RiofrÃo, J., Grubinger, S.G., Barbeito, I., Achim, A., Roeser, D. (2024). Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpae030.

Adaptive silviculture for climate change in the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Forest Region of Canada: Background and design of a long-term experiment
Thiffault, N., Fera, J., Hoepting, M.K., Jones, T., Wotherspoon, A.R. (2024). The Forestry Chronicle. e-First.

Integration of Airborne Laser Scanning data into forest ecosystem management in Canada: Current status and future directions
Goodbody, T.R.H., Coops, N.C., Irwin, L.A.K., Armour, C.C., Saunders, S.C., Dykstra, P., Butson, C., Perkins, G.C. (2024).
The Forestry Chronicle.

Developing aboveground biomass yield curves for dominant boreal tree species from time series remote sensing data
Tompalski, P., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Hermosilla, T., Riofrio, J., Kurz, W.A. (2024). ISPRS Forest Ecology and Management, 561: 121894.

Integration of tree-ring data, Landsat time series, and ALS-derived topographic variables to quantify growth declines in black spruce
Morin-Bernard, A., Achim, A., Coops, N.C., White, J. (2024). Forest Ecology and Management, 557(1):121765.

Attributing a Causal Agent and Assessing the Severity of Non-Stand Replacing Disturbances in a Northern Hardwood Forest using Landsat-Derived Vegetation Indices.
Morin-Bernard, A., Achim, A., Coops, N.C. (2023). Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 49(1),

Landsat assessment of variable spectral recovery linked to post-fire forest structure in dry sub-boreal forests
Smith-Tripp, S.M., Coops, N.C., Mulverhill, C., White, J.C., Axelson, J. (2024). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 208:121-135.

American beech outgrows sugar maple at the sapling stage regardless of partial harvest intensity in northern hardwood forests
Leduc, F., Chagnon, C., Moreau, G., Dumont, S., St-Jean E., Achim, A. (2024). Forest Ecology and Management, 553:121630.

Predicting net growth rates in boreal forests using Landsat time series and permanent sample plot data
Morin-Bernard, A., Coops, N.C., White, J.C., Achim, A. 2023. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpad055,

Local adaptation of balsam fir seedlings improves growth resilience to heat stress
Ravn, J., Taylor, A.R., Lavigne, M.B., D'Orangeville, L. (2023). Canadian Journal of Forest Research,

Simplified tree marking guidelines enhance value recovery as well as stand vigour in northern hardwood forests under selection management
Moreau, G., Chagnon, C., Cecil-Cockwell, MJL, Pothier, D., Achim, A., Bédard, S., Guillemette, F., Caspersen, J. (2023) Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research.

Assessing future climate trends and implications for managed forests across Canadian ecozones
Wotherspoon, A.R., Achim, A., Coops, N.C. (2023) Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Strong latitudinal gradient in temperature-growth coupling near the treeline of the Canadian subarctic forest. Front. For. Glob. Change 6:1181653.
Chagnon C, Moreau G, D’Orangeville L, Caspersen J, Labrecque-Foy J-P and Achim A. (2023). Frontiers in Global Change.

Modelling height growth of temperate mixedwood forests using an age-independent approach and multi-temporal airborne laser scanning data
Riofrio, J., White, J.C., Tompalski, P., Coops, N., Wulder, M.A (2023). Forest Ecology and Management, 543, 121137.

Continuous monitoring and sub-annual change detection in high-latitude forests using Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data
Mulverhill, C., Coops, N.C., Achim, A. (2023) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 197: 309-319.

Quantifying the Probability of Decline in Quality: Implications for Selection Management in Northern Hardwood Forests
Moreau, G., Cecil-Cockwell, M.J.L., Achim, A. et al. (2023). Forests; 14(2):280.

Automated Forest Harvest Detection With a Normalized PlanetScope Imagery Time Series
Keay, L., Mulverhill, C., Coops, N.C., McCartney, (2022) Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-15;

Visual assessment of tree vigour in Canadian northern hardwood forests: The need for a simplified system
Moreau, G., Cecil-Cockwell, M.J.L., Pothier, D. et al. (2023). Forest Ecology and Management, 529; 120720.

Single photon lidar signal attenuation under boreal forest conditions
Irwin, L., Coops, C.C., Queinnec, M., McCartney, G., White, J. (2021) Remote Sensing Letters, 12(10).

Harmonizing multi-temporal airborne laser scanning point clouds to derive periodic annual height increments in temperate mixedwood forests
Riofrio, J., White, J.C., Tompalski, P., Coops, N., Wulder, M.A (2022) Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(10): 1334-1352.

Framework for near real-time forest inventory using multi source remote sensing data
Coops, N., Tompalski, P., Goodbody, T.R,H., et al. (2022). Forestry cpac015.

Analysis of a wood production strategy from expert perspectives
Canuel, C-M., Bernard, A., Thiffault, N., et al. (2022). The Forestry Chronicle, 98(1): 1-9.

La multifonctionnalité du territoire forestier dans tous ses états
Bernard, A., Gélinas, N. (2022) In: Une économie écologique pour le Québec: Comment opérationnaliser une nécessaire transition, PUQ.

Opportunities and limitations of thinning to increase resistance and resilience of trees and forests to global change
Moreau, G., Chagnon, C., Achim, A., et al. (2022). Forestry, 1-21.

Broad-scale wood degradation dynamics in the face of climate change: A meta-analysis
Chagnon, C., Moreau, G., Bombardier-Cauffopé, C., Barrette, J., Havreljuk, F., Achim, A. (2022). GCB-Bioenergy, 14(8): 941-958.

Deciphering the black spruce response to climate variation across eastern Canada using a meta-analysis approach
Chagnon, C., Wotherspoon, A.R., Achim, A. (2022) Forest Ecology and Management, 520: 120375.

The changing culture of silviculture
Achim, A., Moreau, G., Coops, N., et al. (2021) Forestry, 95(2):143-152.