Keeping up with November's theme meetings, this week we caught up with HQPs under the 'Anticipate' theme!
In ANTICIPATE research aims to improve growth models and prediction methods to account for climate reality and synthesize the multiple risks of disturbance that forests face
On Wednesday, November 23rd, we heard from the following HQPs with projects under the Anticipate theme:
Click a name to read their summary
Amy Wotherspoon - AN1b: future climate envelopes
Catherine Chagnon - AN1a: climatic drivers of tree growth
Christina Howard - AN3a: integration of climate drivers into growth modeling (Quebec focus)
Jamie Ring - AN3b: integration of climate drivers into growth modeling (Acadia focus)
Florence Leduc - AN1c: impact of climate change on growth of commercial forest species in NS.
João Paulo Czarnecki de Liz - AN5: targeted assisted migration
Sergio Alonso Sanchez - AN6a: thinning as a tool to increase resistance to stressor
Marilou Yarneau - AN7: tree-level response to thinning

If you are a member of the Silva21 team and would like to receive a copy of all slides, please email our scientific coordinator (
Our ADAPT meeting takes place next week, so we'll be sure to post summary reports of that as well! Stay tuned!
