Metrics for silvicultural prescription: composition and structure
OB 5b
Hub: MRF, LSJ, MM, Estrie (East Focus)
Year: 2023-2024
Spencer Shields, MSc
Once a robust continuous forest inventory framework has been developed (OB 5a), we will implement the proposed methodologies through two MSc projects at the ARF and BB Hub sites. The MSc will have the objective to apply the framework to update attributes such as species composition and abundance and classes of stand densities. Results will be assessed by their usefulness to drive key silvicultural decision-making. Outcome (OB.5b): Recommendations of a series of metrics that can be derived at a 20 x 20 m resolution to guide silvicultural interventions dependent on stand composition and structure.
Spencer Shields, MSc University of British Columbia
Main Partner: J.D. Irving Ltd.
Professor Nicholas Coops